i am growing up once again...

early morning at the first time I was 23 years old; accompanied by kuch-kuch hota hai and roti boy..

mari mengenang perjalanan 23 tahun ini....

ini kue ultah surprise dari anak2 kos setahun yg lalu... 

Ya Tuhan,,,aku udah tuwaaa...
I'm 23th years old right now!
dan satu hal yang aku syukuri adalah Tuhan memberi ku hadiah yang begitu indah
di ulang tahun ku kali ini,,,
a way home, a way back into myself...

 Susan Photo Album-hadiah dari rombongan temen2 SMA
yang sempet bikin terharu.

sangat bersyukur dengan pencapaian ini
dengan segala pengalaman tak ternilai harganya 
hingga sampai pada diriku yang sekarang ini,,,

boneka sapi
hadiah dari ADRA PS 2; 4 cowok labil jaman SMP

Give me some sunshine
Give me some rain
Give me another chance
I wanna grow up once again

blow out the candle jol...

last gift from my ex...

'silent' surprise party-akibat tetangga sebelah kos sakit,,,hahaha

Today I will walk with my hand in God
Today I will trust in Him and not be afraid...

the best gift God have ever given,,, my incredible family..

high level of optimism

I keep this toy windmill,,,
for you...

someday, somehow...
we'll run together, catch the wind,,
then our windmill will be spinning in our grasp..

Our toy windmill,
Maybe you know,,
or you don't...
 I don't even care,,,

...I'm still holding it for you....
and don't know how long  I have to be...


I've been dreaming about my freedom, and I got a lovely one by myself....
 that heartaches,
 all of my wounds,
silent weepings,
pails of tears,
hundreds of prayer...

I'm movin' on, taking a new step...

I'm running...

I'm  jumping...

Spreading my wings..

finding my own glow...
sunshine of freedom...

..and i'm ready to fly...
with all of my willingness...

 I've ever stumbled..
long,,long ago.......

but, let it be a part of the dance...

so let me dance forever more.....


Hei, I'm Jola, a girl with all her longing to write...
so here i am, trying to string of hope, love and the past through a dance..
so come and dance with me...